Prepared & Ready: Performance Review Season

We blinked, and suddenly, it’s performance review season. So go into your end-of-year review with your head held high, and be prepared to receive feedback. 

Receiving Feedback

How you receive feedback is almost as important as the content of the review! Whether you’re the person giving or receiving feedback, ask to hold the review in a quiet place without distractions where you can speak and think uninterrupted. Take into account the environment the review is held in, depending on your working relationship with the other person. A formal conference room indicates a more serious piece of feedback, whereas an informal coffee shop could put the person at ease. Fully understand the input shared by watching your body language and pick up on social cues. 

Once you’re comfortable, be prepared to receive positive or negative feedback. Ask the person if it’s okay with them that you take notes throughout your discussion, and recap the conversation at the end to clarify and prioritize your goals. Then, integrate these goals into your work immediately and long term!

What’s Next?

The feedback you receive is only half the battle. What you do next with that information is critical. Take the time, either solo or with your performance manager, to craft an action plan. Ask yourself questions like: Did that performance review go as well as anticipated? Did I receive any surprising feedback? 

Considering those answers, hold yourself and your manager accountable as you work on your goals by asking for consistent and constructive feedback throughout the process. Then, share your wins by documenting your hard work in a “brag folder” as you add to your accomplishments. You don’t have to wait until the end of the year to get actionable feedback from your manager!

Preparation is Key

Are you preparing for your end-of-year performance review? Did you get some unexpected feedback? Schedule some time with me to ensure you get everything you can from your review!


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